Parts & Services

Spare Parts

Our spare parts team troubleshoots, identifies, and expedites parts replacement so that your production does not hinder.

We are responsible to provide you with spares parts when they are coming under guarantee/ warranty and even for the lifetime in a very speedy and accurate manner.

Spare parts can be delivered to your doorstep by courier, transport, or any other medium available at your location.

Field service:

Call us to get speedy advice: We are experienced trouble-shooters in papad machines along with papad as we make papad also with a brand name Kirtiraj papad (Kirtiraj Snacks Pvt Ltd) and having our 8 outlets spread across the Gujarat state of India.
So, you can rely on us for any trouble in either machine or papad, we are always there for you.

Installation and commissioning: We provide trained experts for the installation and commissioning to make sure its success and smoothness while operating. We make sure to deliver your expectations and specifications in the machine. We have highly qualified, versatile, and cross-functional personnel available committed to design and manufacture the best suitable option from the varieties we provide.

Customization: Our highly motivated and enthusiastic team accepts the challenge of customization of the existing design to better suit your requirement.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is the process of checking the equipment and assets regularly to avoid any uncertain failure. One must take preventive measures to successfully run the machine without incurring an excess loss of production delay, and ultimately leading to various other factors behind it.

Preventive measures can be scheduled and assigned to those who know the working of the machine.

Our technical team, whilst at the time of installation, will guide you through the process, and steps involved in preventive measures. In a general scenario, there is only one thing to be kept in mind is that the chains must be lubricated after a specific interval of time and belts must be washed as suggested by our technical team.

Project Management

If you want to penetrate the cut-throat competitive market, you must manage your production and operational costs.  Our project manager helps you identify various factors where you can cut the cost and maximize your profit margin, without compromising the quality and taste of papad.

Once the machine is installed, our project manager will guide you through the process of making the papad and ensuring its taste and authenticity. He will be in constant touch with you for any further solution required.

We grow with your growth, even having decades of experience, we strive to continuously improve our products and process, which will ultimately lead to your effectiveness and increased efficiency. All our project managers are passionate to explain the project reports before starting the production and they do not miss even the minute detail.

Technical & Demonstration Centers

Our goal is to nourish your seed of starting your own papad business and growing it on an unexpected level.

We, therefore, apply our best resources, technologies available, and create innovative solutions exclusively to suit your requirement.

We invite you to have an excess of our demo machines to elaborate your concepts of Perfect papad machines and equipment, to best suit your requirement.

The technical staff here will aid you through the process of your demo, in some cases, you are welcome to bring your product or raw material for testing purpose, due to some case, if it not possible for you to fly here, you may even just send the material, we will run the demo test on your behalf and will share the results accurately.

Training Support

We help the young and budding entrepreneurs in this new field and provide them with on-site training through skilled and experienced professionals. Our technical experts help you understand the working and operating of the various equipment at your site or our site s per your need. They even make you ready for minor troubleshot errors. With proper training, you will be able to match the market standards in terms of Quality, taste, mouth feel, yield. Efficiency and will be able to sustain them for long.

Have a production challenge? We have offices around
the world and unmatched expertise to help you
find the perfect solution.
